
President Letter 

Dear Fellows Rotarians,


Happy New Rotary Year


Another year has started in the life of our club, a year in which we will Imagine Rotary.


ü We will Imagine Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We will strengthen our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to celebrate each person’s contributions, advance equity, and create an inclusive culture where every member and participant knows they are valued.

ü We will Imagine Comfort and Care making people feel included and welcomed is the most powerful way we can engage members. We will listen to our members to understand why they joined Rotary and what they expect and want from their experience.

ü We will Imagine Empowering Girls and continue the initiative of 2021-22 RI President Shekhar Mehta to encourage our members to improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls.

ü We will Imagine Expanding Rotary’s Reach Over the coming year, we will show how Rotary can make a measurable difference, while also introducing Rotary to new audiences and to potential partners and influencers.

I look forward to work with each and everyone of you. This will be a year in which the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel will continue to shine among other Rotary clubs nationally and regionally as well as in our local community.

Dinner social gathering
أقام رئيس نادي روتاري قلعة عمان ، محفوظ سعيد وزوجته رنا ، مأدبة عشاء اجتماعية ورحبوا ترحيبا حارا بأعضاء النادي وأصدقائهم في مقر إقامتهم. استمتع الضيوف بهذه الأمسية الفريدة من نوعها على طعام لذيذ وإعداد حديقة أنيقة مع أجواء خارجية مريحة.
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel's President, Mahfouz Said and his wife Rana, hosted a dinner social gathering and warmly welcomed the club's members and friends at their residence. Guests enjoyed this unique evening over delicious food and an elegant garden setup with a relaxing, outdoor atmosphere.
رحيل الزميل سامر ضيف
بكل الحزن وعميق الاسى
ينعى رئيس وأعضاء نادي روتاري قلعة عمان
زميلهم الخلوق وصاحب الابتسامة
سامر ضيف
زوج الزميلة ايناس بكيرات
الذي فاضت روحه الى باريها وهو في اوج عطائه، بعد صراعٍ مع المرض لم يمهله طويلاً
وإننا اذ نعزي الزميلة ايناس وذوي الفقيد، لنعزي انفسنا سائلين الله ان يتغمده برحمته الواسعة ويسكنه فسيح جناته مع الابرار والصالحين
إنا لله وإنّا اليه راجعون
General Assembly 
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel held a 'general assembly' meeting to discuss the year's strategic plans, projects and upcoming events (on the 29th of August, 2022).
Awareness session on the importance of 'active listening'
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel held their 7th weekly meeting on August 22, 2022 and hosted Rania AlKhaledi and Dana Sawalha from DocJo - who gave a creative, interactive awareness session on the importance of 'active listening'. Through the activities, members reflected on how 'active listening' skills may affect both their professional and personal lives. Farah Rihani and guest Laith Nabulsi welcomed and thanked the guest speakers. 
On behalf of the club, President Mahfouz Said also thanked the speakers and presented them with certificates of appreciation.
The importance of 'Rotary Membership
عقد كل من نادي روتاري قلعة عمان ونادي روتاراكت قلعة عمان اجتماعاً يركز على أهمية "عضوية الروتاري" في 15 أغسطس 2022. کما أكد الرئيس القادم عبد الله مزاهرة على كيفية تحسين مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية المستمدة من الاستبيان. والضرورات الإستراتيجية العامة للنادي وركائزه وقيمه الأساسية و دوره في تعزيز العضوية.أعقبها جلسة عصف ذهني تفاعلية سريعة. كما أضاف المتحدث الضيف PP وسام صوالحة ، رئيس لجنة العضوية على مستوى المنطقة ، نقاطًا رئيسية مقارنة بقيم عضوية الأندية الاخرى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، رحب الأعضاء ترحيبا حارا بضيف الروتاري الدكتور راجات شيترافانشي من نادي روتاري بوني بانير ، الهند - وقام الرئيس بتبادل أعلام الناديين.
A meeting focusing on the importance of 'Rotary Membership' was jointly held by both the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel and Rotaract Club of Amman Citadel on August 15, August, 2022. Incoming President Abdalla Mazahreh emphasized on how KPIs derived from a survey will improve the club's overall strategic imperatives, pillars, and core values; in turn strengthening membership perspectives; which was followed by a quick, interactive brainstorming session.
Guest speaker PP Wissam Sawalha, Country Membership Chair, also added key points in comparison to other rotary clubs' membership values.
In addition to this, members warmly welcomed Rotary guest Rtn Dr. Rajat Chitravanshi from Rotary Club of Pune Baner, India - with the exchange of both clubs' flags.
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Amman Citadel
We meet Mondays at 07:30 PM
Rotana Hotel
Amman Rotana
Amman, Amman
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